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The 2019 Army Rugby Union Community 7s Competition took place in Aldershot this week.

16 teams were due to take part, disappointingly some units withdrew from the competition at very short notice causing some re-organisation of the League matches and later stages; adapt and over come as they say.

Credit to all the teams who participated on the day, some having travelled a great distance, it was great to welcome some well known rugby units such as the Welsh Guards who have been missing from ARU Competitions due to operational commitments back to the rugby fields in Aldershot.  It was also fantastic to welcome the Queens Dragoon Guards, Pilgrims RFC and Aldershot’s own Grenadier Guards who had completed a 60 mile walk for charity just two days earlier.  Three Regiments from the Royal Signals also entered the competition, testament to the work being put in to grow and develop the game throughout their Corps.  The Army U23’s Head Coach Captain Mal Roberts RLC was watching from the stands and was impressed with some of the young talent on display particularly from 8 Trg Bn REME.

Full details of the finalised League Table standings after the Pool Matches and knock out stages fixtures and results can be found here; 2019 Community 7s Results

You can watch the action from the Cup Semi Finals, Plate Final and Cup Final below;

Cup Semi Finals

Cup Semi Final 1 – RMAS v QDG

Cup Semi Final 2 – 8 Trg Bn REME v Welsh Guards

Plate Final

3 Signal Regiment v 10 Signal Regiment

Cup Final

RMAS v Welsh Guards