RFU Notices
Periodically the RFU issued notices regarding aspects of the game of rugby union. Below you will find extracts of notices relevant to the ARU along with hyperlinks to the original RFU web page:
- IRB Rule Changes – 1. Amendment to Spear Tackle Law, 2. New Hand-Off Definition Added, 3. Half time increased to a maximum of 15 minutes, 4. Changes to Law 21 and 22 – Infringements in in-goal – 22 Nov 10 – posted 29 Nov 10
- ‘This is Rugby’ resource pack application form (pdf 1.2MB) – posted 21 Oct 09
- RFU CB Notices – 15 Oct 09 (pdf 33kb) – posted 21 Oct 09
- RFU CB Notices – Oct 09 (pdf 33kb) – posted 8 Oct 09
- Law Amendments 2009 – posted 27 May 09
- IRB Conference on ELV’s Outcomes (pdf 32kb) – posted 1 Apr 09
- RFU Council Meeting notes – 20 Mar 09 (pdf 72kb) – posted 31 Mar 09
- RFU Vetting & Barring Scheme (pdf 21kb) – posted 26 Mar 09
- Who Can Play Adult Rugby? (pdf 27kb) – A timely reminder on what the RFU regulations say – posted 27 Oct 08
- ELV The new iRB guide to the Experimental Law Variations – posted 30 Aug 08
First Aid
Extract from RFU Community web site on: 18 August 2006
First Aid Equipment
It is essential that first aid equipment is checked frequently therefore ensuring sufficient quantities and all items are usable.
Always replenish contents of first aid box and kit as soon as possible after use.
Items should not be used after the expiry date shown on packets.
On Site First Aid Facilities
First aid boxes should be make of suitable material and designed to protect the contents from damp and dust.
Guidelines for Standard First Aid Equipment Box:
- Guidance Card
- Assorted Adhesive Dressings (Plasters) x 20
- Sterile Eye pads (No. 16) x 2
- Medium Sterile Wound Dressings (No. 8 ) x 6
- Large Sterile Wound Dressings (No. 9) x 2
- Short Life Triangular Bandages x 4
- Disposable Gloves (Pair) x 3
- Antiseptic wipes x 6
- Emergency Foil Blanket x 1
- Disposable Resuscitation Aid x 1
Under no circumstances should prescription drugs be administered by first aiders or kept in the first aid box. Boxes should be clearly labelled and easily accessible. Emergency first aid should only be given by appropriately trained persons. A list of all qualified first aiders should be made clearly available.
See also ARU Health & Safety page
Extract from RFU Community web site on: 18 August 2006
It is the responsibility of all involved in rugby; clubs, coaches, players and healthcare professionals to contribute to injury prevention through the application of best practice.
Advice from medical professionals should be taken before playing, especially before returning to training and matches following an injury.
Please use this form to report any injuries (word 35kb) that occur whilst playing rugby or taking part in organised squad rugby training sessions that fit any of the following definitions:
- An injury which results in admission to a hospital intensive care unit, high dependency unit, specialist spinal or head injury unit.
- Deaths which occur during or within 6 hours of a game finishing.
- Any injury that is likely to result in an insurance claim to the RFU insurers
- These should be reported to the Sports Injury Administrator, sportsinjuriesadmin@therfu.com using the form above.
Note: All injuries must also be reported to Chris Fowke, ARU Secretary at cfowke@ascb.uk.com.
RFU Injured Players Foundation
[two_third_last]The RFU IPF, which incorporates the former SPIRE Rugby Trust charity, supports people who sustain a catastrophic injury whilst playing rugby. The charity provides help and support for both players and their families immediately following the injury as well as in the long term. [/two_third_last]The charity also takes an active approach to conducting and supporting research and education aimed at preventing injuries, and identifying how injured players can be helped more effectively.
Please visit the RFU Injured Players Foundation website at www.rfuipf.org.uk for more information on the work of the charity along with ways that clubs and individuals can help.