Mission Statement

Competitive Ambassadors – compete and succeed at the highest level of Masters Rugby nationally and internationally while representing the British Army.

Directors Foreword

The development of Army Rugby as a whole has been impressive and the Masters are an integral part of contributing to the ARU profile and credibility on and off the pitch. Being competitive, committed, representative and an ambassador for Army Rugby is important. We seek to be a team that has a sense of humility to still learn, hungry enough to compete (and win) and appreciative enough to return the investment.

We must regain and retain our Inter Services crown whilst also widening our reach as ambassadors and advocates of the sport. Army Sport is developing; it is integral to what we are and how we develop our people. The benefits are apparent and hidden and the Army Masters have an important role to play. The mentorship and guidance of your service players, assisting in the delivery of community rugby, cultivating support including sponsorship and strengthening the Army Rugby brand is implicit in everything we do.

We welcome any player to compete to join the squad. If you have played at Corps or Representative level and are in your 35th year or over, still fit, have a pair of boots and are allowed to play, please come and join us or, make yourself know to the coach or team manager for future seasons.

If you would like to know more about the Army Masters Rugby set up or how to play for the team please contact the team manager Captain Spencer (Sutty) Sutton PARA by Email

Management Contact Details

Position Name Contact
Director of Masters Rugby Maj R Mitchell (Rob) Email
Assistant Director of Masters Rugby Capt S Sutton (Sutty) PARA Email
Team Manager WO2 D Lloyd-Christie (Dean) Email
TSG Manager SSgt D Beal (David) QARANC
Head Coach Sgt C Adams (Carl) PARA
Forwards Coach
Backs Coach Maj J Stevens (Jonny) RE
Defence Coach SSgt M Pritchard (Matt) RE
S&C Coach Sgt J Duran (James) RAPTC
Doctor Capt J Hearle RAMC
Physio Miss S Partington (Sarah)
Analyst Mr D Parson


Pending approval by HQ Army Sport, the proposed fixtures for the 2024/25 season are;

Date Opponents Location Result
10-11 Sep 24 Pre-Season Aldershot/Pirbright
4 Oct 24 Pacific Islanders Aldershot Lost 37-12
9 Nov 24 Rugby for Heroes Cardiff Arms Park Won 41-7
4 Dec 24 HM Prison Service Cardiff Arms Park Won 43-19
20-27 Jan 25 Training Camp TBC
19 Feb 25 English Fire Service Sixways
14 Mar 25 CS Barbarians Stoke RFC
2 Apr 25 English Fire Service Aldershot
2 May 25 RN Mariners TBC
16 May 25 RAF Vultures Kingsholm