
Community Rugby is the grass roots level within the Army and encompasses both Unit and Garrison level competition.

The aims of Community Rugby are:

  • Provide soldiers the opportunity to play rugby within the service.
  • Encourage ever widening participation for both men and women within the game.
  • Organising and managing competitions.
  • Developing players, coaches and facilitators to enable them to progress into representational rugby if ready and willing to do so.

Community Rugby Mission Statement

  • Continue to develop the structured season and encourage ever wider participation, for both men and women, in local and Army-wide competitions.
  • Develop a clear development path to Representative Rugby for every capable individual.
  • Maintain a duty of care for players.

Community Rugby Useful Links


Position Name Contact
Director of Community Rugby Maj M Wilding (Marc) Email
Chair of Unit Rugby Maj A Bennett (Andy) Email
ARU Chief Operations Officer Mr C Fowke (Chris) Email