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Major Richie Crane RLC (OIC BATUK Rugby) joined Gem Denish and around 120 local Nanyuki kids to take part in the Christmas Eve 2021 Rugby tournament.

Having a range of kids from 4 to 18+ made the selecting teams interesting, but as ever Gem selected the age group captains and within minutes the teams were stripped up and ready to go.

Fantastic to see the varied donated strips all being used by the excited kids.

The tournament kicked off with the older kids setting the standard very high, some fast rugby with all the kids enjoying themselves.

Watching the 8 youngsters split into 2 teams playing tag was the highlight of the day for me.

Lunch was provided by BATUK and proved to kick start the kids into an afternoon of outstanding rugby.

There were no trophies on the day, but everyone was a winner and importantly they all finished the day fit and healthy.

As we now look towards rugby in Kenya in 2022, I hope the kids will continue to receive support and importantly continue to use the game to develop themselves and keep them safe.

It’s been a fantastic year and I am honoured to have been involved with Rugby Gem and everything it stands for in Kenya.