On a sunny May evening Abbey Wood RFC and 26 Regt RA enjoyed a friendly game of rugby, played with adaptive laws in line with the RFU return to rugby roadmap.
Both teams were in high spirits enjoying the game we all love following the hiatus from playing taken over the past 14 months. Testament to all the players, coaches and staff involved to have kept skills sharpened during this time, it is great to see Unit rugby being played again.
The final result 54-14 to 26 RA. Well done to all involved.
Many thanks to Andy Watts for the excellent images from the match, the full gallery can be viewed here Abbey Wood v 26 Regt RA Gallery

Do you want to know more about how your Unit can play rugby?
The commencement of Unit rugby is at the Commanding Officers discretion and risk.
In line with the RFU Roadmap, from 26th April Units may commence contact training (excluding scrum and maul) and play adapted law (no scrum and maul) matches within Garrison locations. The RO is to ensure all personnel participating are to be listed on UP1 orders.
As per our previous return, it is acknowledged some units do not sit within a Garrison area. The Chair Unit Competitions, Major Andy Bennett should be approached if units identify other local units or civilian clubs to play. ROs wishing for their units to play a match must follow the guidance given by the Chair Unit Competitions, Major Andy Bennett..
Full details the adapted laws can be found here and summarised below:
- There will be no scrums or mauls in the game.
- Instead of a scrum, the game will restart with a free kick. This free kick cannot be taken quickly.
- A minimum of five and a maximum of seven players from each team are required to form a lineout.
- A team awarded a penalty or free kick will no longer be able to choose a scrum option.
- A team awarded a penalty or free kick at a lineout can instead choose another lineout at the same mark.
We are conscious units and teams not based in England (under the RFU) may have received different guidance from their governing bodies. For example, the WRU have released this ‘Pathway to Participation’, which differs in dates and activity allowed to that of the RFU.
However, as your affiliation falls under the ARU (who are governed by the RFU), you should work to ARU guidance as this is where your insurance is.
Your Unit must be affiliated to the ARU to be covered by insurance to train and/or play rugby. If you have not yet done this full details can be found here – for any queries, please contact the ARU Admin Officer Mrs Izzy Camfield Email
Any other queries should be directed in the first instance to the Chair of Community Rugby Competitions, Major Andy Bennett Email
Useful links can be found on the Covid-19 Health and Wellbeing page and also on the Unit Rugby Officer page.